ACEU: Alliance of Central-Eastern European Universities

What our Organizational Structure is?

Organizational Structure


The Association has four standing committees:

  • Committee for Mobility of Students and Professors
  • Committee for Curricula Homogenization and Quality Control
  • Committee for Research and Development
  • Committee for Publishing Activity

In addition to the standing ones, the Rector Conference can set up, upon the proposal by the President, other committees. Other committee will be run by the person who is chosen by the Rector Conference upon the proposal by the President.

A committee is comprised of at least two members and a head of committee.

A committee is administered by its head, which one of the Vice-Presidents, unless it is not one of the other committees.

The scope of work and powers of a committee are defined by the Rector Conference.


The Secretariat

The Secretariat is comprised of the Secretary-General and administrative staff. The Secretariat performs the following:

  • Prepares material for General Assembly and Rector Conference meetings;
  • Coordinates work of committees in cooperation with the President;
  • Performs other duties as ordered by the President.


Vice Presidents

Vice Presidents of ACEU


In the case of absence or inability to work, the President is substituted by one of the Vice-Presidents upon his/her authorization.

There are four Vice-Presidents that are responsible to the President for their work and perform tasks as ordered by the President.


The President

The President is in charge of the following: Administers activities of the Association;

  • Represents the Association in legal transactions and is authorized as financial ordering party
  • Appoints and dissolves Secretary General;
  • Chairs General Assembly and Rector Conference meetings;
  • Prepares annual budget proposal;
  • Is responsible for budget implementation;
  • Prepares annual accounts and annual report pursuant to the law;
  • Organizes programs for exchange of information and experience on issues of mutual interest;
  • Sets up standing and ad hoc working groups;
  • Coordinates work of the Secretariat and committees;
  • Performs other activities in accordance with the Statute and law.

In case of absence or inability to work, the President is replaced by one of the Vice Presidents, under the authorization of the President.

President of ACEU is Prof. Aleksandar Andrejevic, Rector, Educons

Association has four Vice-Presidents which correspond to the President and Rector Conference for their performance and tasks. Every Vice-President is responsible for governing one of the Standing Committees of the Association.

The Rector Conference

The Rector Conference performs the following:

  • Proposes acceptance and exclusion of members;
  • Sets up committees;
  • Defines scope of work and powers of the Alliance committees;
  • Decides on termination of partnerships against the approval by the President;
  • Gives recommendations for President’s activities;
  • Performs other activities in accordance with the Statute.

The Rector Conference is comprised of rectors of universities within the Alliance, President, Vice-Presidents and Secretary General.

The Rector Conference is held at least once a year. Decisions are made by a simple majority of the present members. In the case of a tie, the vote of the President is decisive.


The General Assembly

The General Assembly performs the following:

  • Adopts the plan and work program;
  • Adopts Statute, as well as amendments to the Statute;
  • Adopts other general regulations of the Association;
  • Elects the President and Vice-Presidents;
  • Considers and adopts annually reports from the other bodies of the Association;
  • Decides on the admission and exclusion of members of the Association;
  • Considers and adopts the financial plan and report;
  • Considers and adopts the budget;
  • Decides on membership fee;
  • Decides on status changes and termination of the Association;
  • Decides to initiate proceedings for damages in cases under Article 25 Paragraph 2 Law on Associations and, if necessary, determines a special agent for the association in this process;
  • Decide on the merger in other federations and associations in the country and abroad;
  • Performs other duties in accordance with the Statute and the law.

The General Assembly is comprised of one representative of each full member. The General Assembly hold meetings once a year. An Extraordinary General Assembly can be convened by the President, Rector Conference or at least one third of its members by submitting a written request. The General Assembly reaches Decisions by a simple majority of votes of the present members. In the case of a tie, the vote of the President is decisive.